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Our mission is to revolutionize AI’s capabilities tochange how college students study

Our Values
Be Curious
Guided by pedagogic theory and machine learning, we aid students by designing tools in dynamic ways that were never possible before.
Centered Reality
Students are in the center of Huxli’s universe. Everything we develop is based on the feedback and desires of those who need us most.
No Limiting Beliefs
Through innovative methods, we shatter limiting beliefs and nurture success by fostering a mindset of possibility and growth.
Be a Pioneer
Huxli expands the cutting edge of what’s possible with technology. We will always improve our capabilities to help students succeed more and more.
Our Team
Alp Can Cizem
Chief Executive Officer
Andrew Dimarogonas
Chief Technical Officer
Austen Fletcher
Chief Information Officer
Cem Cizem
Chief Marketing Officer
Dean Cruz
Software Developer
Leo Ifrim
Software Developer
Want to work with us?
Send your resume, cover letter, and offer to